Hi, I'm Jasmine and I am the creator of Fat Cookie. After quitting my stable office job in September 2020 to spend more time with my daughter, I wanted to find a way that I could earn money whilst doing something I was passionate about whilst having the flexibility to still spend ample time with my little girl. I've always enjoyed baking sweets (and eating them), but after trying a cookie loaded with Nutella one evening I just knew that was what I was going to do! I was going to create the most delicious, fully loaded and wonderfully presented cookies out! After months of tweaking I had finally nailed the dough consistency I was looking for and from there, I (along with my husband) came up with a name, created several flavour combinations and that's when Fat Cookie was born!

We wanted Fat Cookie to be fun, exciting and outrageous in the way they look and taste - and I believe we nailed our vision!